Decision on the Operationalization of Africa CDC

Decision on the Operationalization of Africa CDC


The Assembly,

  1. RECALLS Assembly Decision/AU/Dec.554 (XXIV) adopted at the 24th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Union in January 2015 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, whereby the Assembly of the Union decided on the establishment of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC).

  2. TAKES NOTE of the Executive Council Decisions EX.CL/Dec.1106(XXXVII) and EX.CL/Dec.1110(XXXVII I) which respectively REQUESTED and INSTRUCTED the African Union Commission to: “prepare a report, including a road map and Framework of Operations, outlining the financial, legal and structural implications to fully operationalize the Africa CDC in line with its Statute, for submission to the Council through the AU Policy Organs”.

  3. REAFFIRMS its commitment and determination to strengthen the functioning, capacity and capability of Africa CDC, at both the secretariat and regional coordinating center levels, for better preparedness and response to health emergencies and disease threats including the COVID-19 pandemic.

  4. RECOGNIZES that disease outbreaks are a serious health, security, economic, and development threat to Africa.

  5. REITERATES that the Africa CDC urgently requires additional expertise and capacity to provide optimal support as envisaged in its mandate and in response to the increasing expectations and requests from AU Member States.

  6. DECIDES to upgrade the current AU COVID-19 Response Fund into the Africa Epidemics Fund to mobilize resources for preparedness and response to disease threats on the continent AND DIRECTS the Commission to develop a framework of governance and management of the Africa Epidemics Fund in accordance with the AU FRR with the Africa CDC as Secretariat.

  7. TAKES NOTE of Decision EX.CL/Dec.1146(XL) of February 2022 and DECIDES to delegate its authority to the Executive Council to consider during its next Session, the endorsement of amendments to the Africa CDC Statute in line with its financial, structural and legal implications and taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. that, the Africa CDC shall be an autonomous Body of the Union which is charged with the responsibility of prevention and Control of Diseases in Africa

  2. a new governance structure that allows for strategic leadership and ownership by Member States at the highest level of Heads of State and Government, or their duly nominated/delegated representative.

  3. the Africa CDC Secretariat to be headed by a Director General at a proper grade

  4. Put in place modalities for full implementation of the Africa CDC Statute

  1. DIRECTS the Commission to report on the implementation of this decision through the relevant AU Policy Organs.

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