Decision on Fast Tracking Caadp-Malabo Commitments for Accelerating Agriculture Transformation in Africa Through Biennial Review Mechanism and Africa Agricultural Transformation Scorecard (AATS)

Decision on Fast Tracking Caadp-Malabo Commitments for Accelerating Agriculture Transformation in Africa Through Biennial Review Mechanism and Africa Agricultural Transformation Scorecard (AATS)


The Assembly,

  1. RECALLS the Assembly Decision Assembly/AU/ /Decl.1 (XXIII) adopting the Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods in Africa and which also calls on the AU Commission and NPCA, in collaboration with partners to conduct, on a biennial basis, beginning from year 2017, Agricultural Review Process, and report on progress to the Assembly at its January 2018 Ordinary Session;

  2. TAKES NOTE of the third Biennial Review Report on the Implementation of the June 2014 Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods, and the highlights of its findings on Accelerating caadp implementation for a Resilient African Food System

  3. RECOGNISES the efforts of the African Union Commission and the AUDA- NEPAD in mobilizing key stakeholders and development partners to build partnership with Member States and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) to establish a mechanism for monitoring, evaluation and reporting, in a more aligned manner, on the progress made in implementing the commitments of the Malabo Declaration.

  4. COMMENDS the positive response of Member States in conducting self­assessments, inclusive validation process and providing information for the preparation of the 3rd biennial review report to the Assembly of the African Union on the progress made in implementing the commitments for agricultural transformation in Africa; while noting challenges faced by member states in collecting and compiling quality data to report progress on all goals and targets set in the Malabo Declaration.

  5. EXPRESSES CONCERNS about the fragility of African food systems as demonstrated during the COVID-19 pandemic and other shocks such as climate change, desert locust and fall army worm infestation that have resulted in an increase in hunger and malnutrition on the continent;

  6. COMMENDS the African Union Commission and AUDA-NEPAD for leading the development of a continental common position presented to the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit

  7. NOTES WITH SATISFACTION the enormous efforts invested by Member States in implementing the Assembly Declaration [Assembly/AU/ /Decl.1 (XXIII) to accelerate achievements made in the Malabo Declaration; while recognizing that, for the insufficient performance shown by some member states in several cases to reach the common set goals, considerable effort and attention are still needed to rally ourselves to CAADP implementation by domesticating the Malabo commitments and outcomes of the UN Food Systems Summit in our National and Regional Agriculture Investment Plans.

  8. UNDERSCORES the necessity to take further actions in accelerating the implementation of the Africa Agriculture transformation agenda within the CAADP framework by increasing investment finance for agriculture, strengthening institutional capacity for implementation, improving coordination mechanisms to achieve concrete results and impacts leading to shared prosperity and improved livelihoods for African citizens

  9. CALLS UPON all Member States of the African Union Commission, to mobilize adequate technical and financial resources in supporting agricultural data systems, monitoring and evaluation systems and strengthen mutual accountability structures to trigger evidence-based planning for agriculture transformation at all levels.

  10. REQUESTS the African Union Commission to work closely with Member States, technical and financial development partners, the private sector and civil society to mobilize the required support to strengthen mutual accountability, agricultural data systems and knowledge management, institutionalize the biennial review mechanisms and the Africa Agriculture Transformation Scorecard to ensure peer learning and scaling up of the agriculture transformation agenda embedded in the Malabo Declaration.

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