Decision on Appointment of Members of the Panel of the Wise

Decision on Appointment of Members of the Panel of the Wise


The Assembly,

  1. RECALLS Article 11 of the Protocol Relating to the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), which provided for the establishment of a Panel of the Wise (Panel) to support the efforts of the PSC and the Chairperson of the Commission in conflict prevention and resolution, including mediation;

  2. FURTHER RECALLS the Decision Assembly/AU/Dec.663(XXIX) adopted at the 29th Ordinary Session held in Addis Ababa in July 2017 that appointed the fourth (4th) Panel for a three-year tenure, which ended in October 2020;

  3. APPRECIATES the enormous efforts and commitment of the outgoing members: H.E. Hifikepunye Pohamba (Namibia), H.E. Ellen Sirleaf Johnson (Liberia), H.E. Dr. Speciosa Wandira Kazibwe (Uganda), H.E. Amr Mahmoud Abu Zaid Moussa (Egypt), and Ms. Honorine Nzet Biteghe (Gabon) for their contributions to the promotion of peace, security and stability in Africa;

  4. COMMENDS the overall and regional deans of the African Diplomatic Corps in Addis Ababa for their contributions in facilitating the selection process for the incoming Panel as well as the vigorous efforts by the Commission to facilitate inclusivity and regional ownership through the development of a robust guideline;

  5. DECIDES in line with Article 11 (2) of the PSC Protocol to appoint the following personalities as members of the 5th Panel of the Wise for a three-year mandate with effect from February 2022:

  1. Central Africa region: H.E. Domitien Ndayieye, former President of the Republic of Burundi;

  2. Eastern Africa region: Justice (Rtd) Effie Owuor, Republic of Kenya;

  3. Northern Africa region: H.E. Amr Mahmoud Abu Zaid Moussa, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt; and Secretary General of Arab League (re-appointed);

  4. Western Africa region: Professor Babacar Kante, former Vice President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Senegal;

  1. DIRECTS the Chairperson of the Commission to consult with the Southern African region towards nominating a representative from the region and submit to the 41st Ordinary Session of the Executive Council;

  2. In line with Rule 4(2) of the Assembly Rules of Procedures on Delegation of authority, DECIDES TO DELEGATE to the 41st Ordinary Session of the Executive Council, the authority to appoint a Southern African representative for the 5th Panel of the Wise;

  3. ENCOURAGES Member States of the Union to extend unflinching support to the incoming members of the Panel to facilitate the implementation of their strategic mandate to the fullest extent possible; and REQUESTS the Commission to provide all requisite support to members of the Panel;

  4. FURTHER REQUESTS the Commission to collaborate with the newly appointed Panel to strengthen the operations of PanWise, FemWise-Africa;

  5. TAKES NOTE of the efforts of the Commission to establish a Network of African Youth on Conflict Prevention and Mediation (WISEYouth), to form a holistic set of mechanisms to promote multi-stakeholder engagement in conflict resolution in the continent.

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